Incident Response

Incident Response

Our Incident Response service is designed to swiftly and effectively manage and mitigate the impact of security breaches. Once a security incident is detected, our expert team takes immediate action to identify, contain, eradicate, and recover from the threat.

Why Choose Cytomate?

Expertise and Experience

Our team of seasoned cybersecurity professionals brings extensive knowledge and proven experience to every engagement. With a deep understanding of the latest threats and advanced mitigation strategies, we ensure your organization is protected by industry-leading experts.

Real-time Response

Time is of the essence in cybersecurity. Cytomate guarantees rapid incident response to minimize damage and downtime. Our dedicated team is ready to act swiftly and efficiently, ensuring immediate containment and resolution of security threats.

Practical Remediation & Support

Beyond identifying and addressing security issues, we provide practical remediation and ongoing support tailored to your unique needs. Our comprehensive approach includes not only resolving current incidents but also fortifying your defenses against future threats, ensuring long-term security and peace of mind.

Cytomate Incident Response Methodology

Sample Analysis & Reverse Engineering

Static Analysis identifies malware type, file details, and generates hash values (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256). It extracts and analyzes strings for indicators of compromise (IOCs) and examines the file structure. It also provides host based and network indicators.

Dynamic Analysis observes malware behavior in a controlled environment, monitors system and network activity, and examines memory interactions.

Code Analysis disassembles and debugs the code to understand its flow, key functions, and anti-analysis techniques.

Reverse Engineering involves using a decompile to reconstruct higher-level code from the assembly code if the malware is compiled. The logic and functionality of the malware are understood by reversing its code.

Payload Analysis focuses on identifying and extracting any payloads or embedded files within the malware. If the malware uses encoding or encryption, the process is reversed to reveal the original content.

Documentation involves creating a detailed report of findings, including observed behaviors, identified IOCs, and potential mitigation strategies. IOCs are shared with relevant security communities and organizations to enhance collective defense.

Post-Analysis ensures the infected system is thoroughly cleaned and restored to a secure state. Lessons learned from the analysis process are documented for future reference and improvement.

Service Deliverables

Threat Behavior

Detailed examination and documentation of the malware's actions, patterns, and techniques used to compromise systems.

Analysis Report

Comprehensive report summarizing the incident, including findings, impact assessment, and recommended mitigation strategies.